The Girlie Behind the Screen

When I first started this blog, it was my little secret corner of the internet. But as time went on, I couldn’t help but wonder if the things I’ve been through/the feelings I’ve felt might actually resonate with someone else.

I don’t have all the answers. In fact, rarely do I ever. I’m still figuring my shit out. I’m still healing from not just the things I speak openly about, but the things I don’t speak with anyone about at all.

Even at 31 years old, I still catch myself fumbling through life at times. But one thing I do know is that writing has been one of my favorite forms of therapy to get me through (and my 9 year old Great Dane, and my very best friend, Jada).

I’m just here to write, ya know? Mainly about life and my struggles with mental health. You know, things I’ve been through, and what has helped me work through the hard shit I thought I’d never get through.

My hope is I’ll be able to help others by being at times, painfully vulnerable…on the internet of all places.

I hope when you find yourself in the darkest corners of your mind, my words inspire and encourage you to keep going.

Thank you for being here. I’m excited to share my virtual safe space with you.