• How COVID-19 is Affecting My Mental Health

    I haven’t talked too much about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting my mental health with anyone other than those who are very close to me. I’m typically very open when it comes to talking about my own personal struggles (the purpose of this blog), but every time I sat down to write this…

  • It’s been a MIN- Mental Health Check!

    Hey everyone! It’s a rainy day here where I live and the rainy day feels are coming in hot. Does anyone else get them? I realize I haven’t created a post since mid-Feb. of this year. I went on a cruise at the end of the month and returned at the beginning of March. Who…

  • 5 Love Languages: A Review

    A few weeks ago I purchased the book “The 5 Love Languages” on Amazon after seeing all the hype over it and reading reviews. I am usually skeptical when it comes to books that claim doing this or that will “fix” your relationship and the problems you’re faced with, but I decided to give it…

  • Back Again

    Hey everyone! I’ve taken some time off from blogging and social media entirely to a degree. A couple weeks ago I slipped into a bout of depression. It lasted for over a week and things were really hard on me. I was overly sensitive, crying for seemingly no reason, and feeling very angry for an…

  • You Made it Through 2019!

    If you’re reading this post right now, hug yourself! You’ve made it through 2019 and you’re moving on to the next decade. I’ve noticed on social media especially that a lot of people are making new year resolutions and I am loving the ambition radiating off of people. It’s extremely exciting to have the feeling…

  • Biggest Lesson(s) of 2019

    Doesn’t this year feel like it has flown by? I know it feels like that for me at least. I experienced a lot of challenges this year that have tested my mental strength. It wasn’t always easy, but I have learned to trust that I’m not given anything that I can’t handle or work through.…

  • How I Spend My Sundays

    I feel like Sunday is one of the most important days of the week and my personal favorite. It allows me to catch up on things that I didn’t get done during the week and/or have a day to relax or do something I enjoy. From where I’m from it’s 36 degrees today. That’s much…

  • The Ending of Relationships

    Hey all, How are we doing? How are we feeling? As you can tell from the title of this post, I wanted to talk about relationships coming to an end. It’s a post that I’ve been thinking about writing for awhile. I know how traumatic and hard it can be to go through something like…

  • LIES We Need to Stop Telling Ourselves

    The worst lies ever told are the ones we tell ourselves. Negative thinking and external influences are terrible for your well-being. At some point wee unclutter our living spaces, so why not unclutter our emotional spaces? Remove the lies we tell you tell yourself and all of that negative self-talk. I don’t have “enough.” You…

  • Things I do to Feel Better Instantly

    Hey all! Truth be told, I’ve been feeling a little “down” lately and I’ve been struggling to “feel better.” Today I had the day to myself with my dog. I sat down and read/skimmed through some of my new and old poetry books. Let me tell you what, words are SO powerful guys. Never underestimate…